Sex Tips and Tricks… Debunked! 

Between clickbait and predatory magazine headlines, it can be hard to distinguish the facts from the fiction when reading about sexual health. Thanks to some great suggestions from readers, I have done a deep-dive into some of the most common misconceptions. Think myth busters… but about sexual health!

Myth #1: Drink Cranberry Juice to Get Rid of your UTI!

Ah, if only I had a nickel for every time I’ve done this! At least I would make back some of the money I’ve spent on cranberry juice.

A UTI, or urinary tract infection, is a common infection that anyone can get. The most common is a bacterial infection from Escherichia Coli, or E. Coli. Cranberry juice has long been a home remedy, but… why cranberries? They contain a chemical compound called proanthocyanidins, which are known for their antibacterial properties. This led to the belief that the antibacterial properties would kill the unwanted bacteria.

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. If cranberry juice was effective, it would work as a preventative measure, not a cure. Even then, the science behind it is mixed; there are some studies showing it to be effective, while others show the opposite. Also, regular cranberry juice does not seem to have a high enough concentration of proanthocyanidins to be preventative

Luckily, there are things you can do to reduce the likelihood of getting UTIs. The number one thing you can do it pee after sex and masturbation! I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but removing any bacteria that may have accumulated near your urinary tract is important. Also, drink lots of liquids). This increases how often you urinate and, in turn, flushes unwanted bacteria from your system. Water is best, but if you love your cranberry cure, then there’s no harm in drinking it!

Myth #2: Vagina’s Stretch After Sex with Multiple Partners.


Absolutely not. This is not true! Am I being clear? There is as much science behind this as there is in saying that penises shrink after every new partner. This is something often said to shame women with vaginas for having sex with more than one person, which is not something to be shamed about! This is something rarely said  in reference to someone with one partner. 

One phenomenon that does occur during sex is vaginal tenting. This is when the vagina increases in size due to the anterior wall moving backwards and upwards when aroused. This increase allows for comfortable penetration. Don't worry though, this increase in size completely disappears within 10-20 minutes after orgasm, or 30-60 minutes after encounter if orgasm was not achieved.

Furthermore, the vagina will stretch after a vaginal delivery during childbirth… for a few weeks. Most people who undergo a vaginal delivery have no lasting stretching. If a baby is able to come through the vagina with little lasting damage, trust me, it will be able to recover from a penis.   

Myth #3: Drinking Coffee Before Sex Makes it More Enjoyable. 

This is not something I had heard before, so I was excited about this one! I was told that it originated from Tik Tok and at the risk of sounding like my parents… do not believe everything you read online.

This rumor seemed to originate from an older study by Guarraci & Benson (2005) titled “‘Coffee, Tea and Me’: Moderate doses of caffeine affect sexual behavior in female rats”. While this study found that injecting caffeine into female rats increased how often they would seek out their male partners for sex, the conclusions drawn from the public may not be all that accurate. 

First, the rats had never had caffeine before. It goes without saying that any university student, parent or person with a job cannot relate to this. I would bet that you, the person reading this, either has a warm cup of coffee in their hand, or still has their empty cup from this morning on their desk. I’m not judging!

Also, the amount of caffeine that the rats received would be equivalent to 10 cups of coffee for a human. Now, I can’t speak for everyone, but I think it is fair to say that that is a liiiiiittle bit above average. 

As much as I love Tik Tok, I am going to have to have to declare this one false.  

Myth #4: Pineapple Juice Makes Your Cum Taste Better. 

This is one I think most of us have heard before.. I don’t even remember the first time I heard it, it just always seemed to be this thing that everyone knew… or so we thought. 

There is little research done on this, but it is something that was just accepted. The best way to put it is that it is a half-truth. Diet and hygiene have huge impacts on all of our bodily fluids. Eating a healthy diet, drinking tons of water, and keeping your body clean affects the natural pH of your fluids, and can alter the taste. Things like alcohol, smoking and pungent foods like garlic or asparagus can be linked to a stronger taste. However, eating pineapple in the morning will not prepare you for your dinner date. 

It is important to note that the larger issue here is the idea that there is a right and wrong smell or taste. Vagina’s will never smell like flowers or fruit, and that is how it should be! Each person’s vagina is unique, and has its own scent. The only time a smell is ‘bad’ is if it strays from the owner’s normal; read more about that here on Sex&Self’s blog! 

Vagina’s are constantly being policed whether it be look, smell, or taste. If you are healthy, then your vagina is doing its job and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. 

Edits and Contributions by: Amrita Sandhu


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