Modern Manhood

Modern Manhood, developed in partnership with Bodies A-Z, aims to positively redefine what it means to be a man. We work towards this by supplying boys with the self-confidence, self-awareness, and emotional literacy to define masculinity in a way that is authentic to them. We emphasize that each boy’s own version of masculinity can involve any mix of traits one might traditionally consider masculine or feminine, as long as they are true to him. By breaking down patriarchy and building up each boy’s emotional toolkit, we can help the men of tomorrow build healthier relationships with themselves and those around them.

About us

Our program is run by current and former McGill students, who have received training specific to the program, as well as from Bodies A to Z. 

We have developed a curriculum of engagement-oriented workshops that address the specifics of messages that boys receive about what it means to “be a man.” By using the lens of masculinity to take on taboos ranging from mental health to body image to sex and intimacy, we hope to give boys the space to discuss pressures that we all feel… but rarely discuss. 

Check out our Program Director’s TEDx Talk

“Cry Like A Man: Modeling Positive Masculinity” outlines how patriarchy harms men, and how we as men can model positive masculinity to help boys live happier and healthier lives. It also captures the philosophy that guides our work.

Program Director Lenny Lenhard’s interview with CJAD 800 AM, Montreal’s #1 news talk radio station.

Why do we exist ?


The #MeToo movement has highlighted that we desperately need to have conversations about masculinity, not only in relation to sexual assault but more generally regarding the constricting ways in which our society teaches boys what it means to be a man. Patriarchy hurts men. It forces them to suffer in silence and discourages them from feeling, all in the name of “being a man.” At the same time, the guys who most intensely feel the pressures of patriarchy are rarely a part of the conversations that unpack these tensions. We want to change that. 

Conversations around manhood, particularly toxic masculinity, tend to take on an “us vs. them” narrative. We aim to avoid that rhetoric by simply showing boys that they are free to create whatever version of manhood feels true to them. We are confident that men want to have these conversations. By reaching boys where they are at, we simply aim to give them the space and the spark to speak up. 

Get in touch.

Want to learn more about Modern Manhood, send us a message directly!